Our in-house fashion expert, MATEO, breaks down the most iconic looks at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, from Anya Taylor-Joy to Selena Gomez.
Continue readingRelease Stress and Anxiety With This Three Step Somatic Meditation Practice
Modern Muze’s wellness expert, Julie Skon shares her somatic meditation for releasing stress, anxiety, or overwhelm in the body.
Continue readingKickstart Your Day With 8 Powerful Affirmations Backed by Science to Transform Your Mornings
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Start your day right with these powerful affirmations! Science shows they can rewire your brain for positivity and boost your mental well-being. Try our 8 Modern Muze affirmations and learn how to create your own.
Continue readingOur New Swimsuit Collection
The Science of Happiness
I am a human being, curious about the value (or not) of seeing happiness as a destination, rather than at the core of the pure essence of existence. I’m just a girl with a deep desire for truth and knowledge. So please, view this essay as more of a candid conversation amongst friends, in the vast symposium on The Pursuit of Happiness.

I recently started an online 10-week program at Yale University, the “The Science of Well-Being”. That sounds very elite and exclusive, and it is, but it should be noted that the course is offered to the public, free of charge, and landed serendipitously on my lap. I, of course, dove right in. So here we are, exploring what science says about well-being and happiness. Through this course, I have downloaded apps, listened to lectures, discovered my signature strength (spirituality), and taken a survey to quantify my happiness (I was shocked to know my score, and am currently debating disclosing in this article, which raises another question altogether, agh beautiful life!) Here is the site, if you would like to brave the scientific elements, and learn your character strengths, along with me!
I’ve educated myself on the pillars of happiness, what qualities, states of being, and emotional life one must encompass to achieve a sense of overall well-being, like gratitude, kindness, meditation, savoring (loved learning about this one), exercise and sleep. I mean we all have right? Inevitably we’ve all picked up a book on self-care, attended a yoga class, attempted deep meditation and learned 1st-hand about the boomerang effect of kindness? Well, although I feel I have learned a lot before, this course gave me some shocking insight.
First of all, scientists, statisticians and some of the smartest people in the world have conducted studies on the correlation between happiness and money and it turns out that most Americans’ emotional well being/happiness plateaus after a $75,000 a year income. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I was gut-punched when I heard this! In the materialistic world that we live in, it turns out that no matter what our bank account looks like, our happiness will not significantly increase past a certain amount of cash. No, no, we are designed much more intricately than that (but we will get into that in a little bit). If you’re among those to discredit statistics, hold on, because that’s the conversation at hand! Where do we put our trust, what can we believe in, what is infallible and whole?
These same studies have found the age-old tradition of finding happiness through the institution of marriage, doesn’t always amount to happily-ever (not that it can’t) but the idea that love for another will equal happiness can prove to be erroneous and counter-intuitive to our search for lasting happiness. That’s a real tough-pill to swallow, right? Or is this information the beginning of the truth? Is it possible that through the avenues of science and education we are being lead to the bigger conversation?
Heart intelligence trumps intellect. “By order of amplitude, the heart’s electromagnetic field is 60 times that of the brain”, yet another beautiful scientific fact that resonates, loudly and viscerally. God is the ruler of the heart-space. The undeniable, infallible truth is in our inherent divinity. It lies in the perfect Law of Existence that science cannot discount. The path to love, joy, happiness and a life of true abundance lies in our ability to release our wrong thinking. Letting go of the belief that happiness is something we must earn and out of our immediate reach.
Having said that, I have a deep respect and reverence for the vast world of science. Scientific knowledge improves education and the quality of our lives, it feeds our society immensely. But education alone won’t take us to the promised land. Check out this article on why science does not disprove God – Here’s an inspiring scientific fact from the TIMES article:
My conversation starts and ends here:
Our happiness is our own inside job, it is our’s and our’s alone, and what a powerful conclusion to come to. This freedom should break our chains, lead us to new pastures, filled with consciousness, mindfulness and a place where joy and happiness are ours for the taking, even when life and it’s circumstances can seemingly appear to rob us.
“The circumstances that may seem initially the hardest to accept could turn out the be the very circumstances the benefit us the most.”
My good friend Tyler Perry once gave me the most compelling, yet simple advice: “Zulay, you have to live knowing!”
LIVE KNOWING! What a dynamic place to reframe the whole conversation. Go ahead, start today, just for today, live knowing that happiness is your birthright.
Make a new agreement with yourself – live knowing the truth of who you are, and take all the science, tools and lessons life graciously offers on the journey with you!
I love you all madly,
MODERN MUZE | Connecting – Soul, Science, Sex and Society.
My Journey to Grace
Grace is defined as, “poise, elegance, forgiveness, or a blessing.”
In this, my first pregnancy journal, I will address forgiveness, forgiveness of self, and the power it unleashed into my life.Before we get started, I wanted to thank you for being here, and for giving me a chunk of your beloved time as it is our most precious commodity. I decided to write about this experience because I was so afraid to. I am still fearful of opening up and spilling my own tea, and telling you about the not so pretty parts of this journey. Nonetheless, I will, because I must, and because everything I have ever done has brought me here to this moment of pure joy, reflection, and exhilaration.
I am “with child!” (lol) I love this phrase! I am exactly 21 weeks into this most amazing journey! I am co-creating life with the ultimate Creator, and bringing to fruition what has inevitably always been a part of my plan (His plan). But wait! Let’s go back.. way back! Damn it! I wanted to keep this light, and tell you solely about my experience carrying this baby, the morning sickness, the sleepless nights, the weight gain,and the thrill of it all. But, it wouldn’t really pierce your soul in the way it has mine. Mine has absolutely been reshaped and redefined through this experience.
You see, before we get to the hair ties, baby shower ideas, and cupcakes, I must address my darkness if this blog is to be celebratory, and worthy of ten minutes of your time. Motherhood has always been for me the pinnacle of womanhood (key words: FOR ME). This isn’t to say at all that all women must become mothers to reach the heights and wonders of their feminine journey. I know so many wonderful, joyous, and fulfilled women who decided to be lifetime aunties, God mothers, and live blissfully in their voyage through life. If this is you, I applaud you for not caving into the societal pressures so unfairly placed on us from the time we are young girls, and for not following this blueprint that doesn’t fit your vision for YOUR life. I SEE you, and I ADMIRE you. Rock on, babe!
For the rest of us, our journey to motherhood comes in complex packages, all individually and uniquely demanding, and well, different (for a lack of a better word). I remember turning 35, looking around, and really taking stock of my life in a way that felt almost foreign. I wasn’t taking inventory of what I had done in life up that time, my finances, how I was showing up in my career, or my relationships like I usually had. This time, I looked at myself, and felt that I had (up until that moment) really not shown up for the one thing I knew would change my life forever: becoming a mom. I also knew that was something I had been putting off thinking about because I was afraid. Let me be clear. I wasn’t afraid that having a child would somehow rob me of a life I loved, I was fearful of
something far more ridiculous and unsettling: Motherhood might not be something God had not planned out for me. Why do you ask? That topic will be for another blog (a much more vulnerable one). Suffice it to say that had been a dark place for me for a long time growing up in a very religious household, being a non-married woman, and having all of these haunting indoctrination of sorts. I had to shed a lot of fear and shame, and ultimately, forgive myself. This is where GRACE comes in.
For so long, I had lived a self created sort of inner hell where I felt so undeserving. I went through a period of a lot of self reflection, alone time, therapy, shedding of antiquated (just flat out erroneous) ideas of God, and really coming to understand the truth of God’s unconditional, radical and unrelentless love for me. Then, my life changed. I don’t want to make this discourse about that. Like I said, there is a lot more to the story, but I felt it important to at least mention my mental state for a period of time. Who knows? That may be a book idea for me in the future! For now, let’s move on! Having a new sense of self, of my Creator’s deep love, and never-ending fire for me, I took action. I began to actively speak motherhood into my life in all the ways possible! I would see a woman with a stroller and declare, “That is for ME!” and I would say things like, “When I become a mom!” I introduced the idea into every meditation, and launched it into the field of all possibility on a daily basis. It became a part of me, and no longer something I feared was out of my reach. I envisioned myself in the role of mommy, and in a solid relationship where I was free, safe to explore, and voice my inner most desires. I met a wonderful man who wanted the same things I did, who wasn’t afraid of telling me so, and who welcomed my vulnerability like the superpower it is. It was powerful stuff to be empowered by self-love, to look myself in the eyes, and claim the desires of my heart as valid and real. (Louise Haye has a wonderful exercise for this) Here is the link!
Everyday, in every way, I became more alive viscerally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically on my journey to motherhood. Here I am today in my second trimester, living my dream out loud, and in full vivid color. Let’s stop here for now, and let’s call this my prologue to the blog. The story continues on to: facing the truths and realities of female fertility, the depths and pain of miscarriage, letting go, forgiveness (again), surviving, thriving, and GRACE (always more Grace).
I love you all. See you all next week!
Not only is Emmanuelle Chriqui an incredibly talented actress, bringing warmth and life to her on-screen roles, such as Sloan in Entourage and currently playing Lana Lang in the CW’s Superman & Lois, but upon meeting her, you immediately feel and know that she has a heart of gold. Emmanuelle is a Modern Muze as she uses her platform and voice to share what she is deeply passionate about. Including, and not limited to, spending her time fighting for the environment, Black Lives Matter, and standing firmly for equal rights. Enjoy getting to know Emmannuelle as much as we have with our MODERN MUZE interview below.

Where are you and your family from?
My family is Jewish French Moroccan. They emigrated to Canada in the late 60’s and I was born in Montreal and raised in Toronto.
What do you love about being a women?
There are many things I love about about being a woman, but one of the things I appreciate most is how complex we are. When we are able to step into our power we can be and do all the things men are capable of but with the added bonus of having the unique gifts of the divine feminine.
How do you embrace your vulnerabilities?
I embrace my vulnerabilities by aiming to live and speak my truth each day. Knowing my truth is ever changing and giving myself permission to flow and tap into what is authentic for me.
What is your most powerful and authentic quality?
My most powerful and authentic quality is my joyful and mostly positive disposition. I have the ability to go deep with people, to be empathetic and to also communicate my needs and desires.
What do you feel is your purpose in your work?
My purpose in my work is to bring light in whatever way I can. Hopefully I can bring joy and depth to whatever they are watching on screen, and when I raise my voice for causes I believe in I hope to shed light and inspire action.
What qualities do you admire most in other women?
The qualities I admire most in other women is when they can support other woman. When they are loving and generous of spirit amazing things can happen and it is so powerful and inspiring.
What advice would you give your younger self?
The advice I would give my younger self is STOP WORRYING!!! The universe TRULY has your back. Trust more, fear less… and it is ALWAYS ok to speak your truth. Don’t shy from it or be afraid of it 🙏🏽❤️
5 Cellulite Myths Debunked So You Can Live Your Most Confident Life
Did you know the term “cellulite” came from France to the US in the 20th century? We’re taking down the five most common myths on the subject.
Continue readingHeather Hemmens X Modern Muze
Our next Muze is one of our very own, her Costa Rican roots are to thank for her exotic beauty and natural magnetism.
From Pura Vida to pure talent, perseverance and unwavering faith in self, it is our honor to bring you a deeper look into her world, her thoughts and her life.
Heather Hemmens is an actor, director, sister, friend and the ultimate MODERN MUZE!
We are all coming out of a very traumatic year, how have you coped and dealt with all the change?
The most important thing for me was keeping my spirits up. I spent as much time as I could at the beach and in nature, in the sunshine. I picked up a few new hobbies and created schedules for myself so that I could feel productive. If I watched TV it was only stand-up comedy. No heavy shows or news cycles, just laughs! We have to protect our psyche during times like this, so that was my main focus.
What did you learn about yourself during this time of uncertainty?
I learned that I’m not immune to loneliness! I usually have no problem with FOMO and can be a homebody, but my need for my village, my sisterhood, my family and loved ones really grew the past year. It’s ok to be vulnerable and need someone to lean on, and I treasure my close relationships even more now.
How did you adjust personally and professionally during this time?
I was very fortunate to go back to work filming very early in the pandemic. This gave me so much more motivation to keep it together during the tough times because I had a light at the end of the tunnel. I am immensely grateful to be an entertainer and provide an escape for others while also saving myself through my art.
You recently directed an episode of the show you also star in, Roswell New Mexico, congratulations, tell us more about your journey behind the camera!
I was thrilled to finally be behind the camera on Roswell, and I’m happy to say I’ll be directing another episode this season! I first started directing short films about 11 years ago, and I spent a long time shadowing other directors on set. I completed the DGA Episodic Director’s program and was finally eligible to do my first episode of television. It is a proud, hard fought dream come true for me.
Now that you made the crossover into directing what kind of stories do you yearn to tell?
I’ve just signed on to direct my first feature film, I can’t say too much about it yet, but it is a diverse, inspiring, adventure story that I can’t wait to reveal!
We learned that you’ve made a big difference in a young woman’s life via a youth empowerment organization called Big Brothers and Big Sisters LA. Tell us about how you are involved and that that is important to you.
I’ve been a Big Sister to my mentee, Denisse, for 6 years! I was so fortunate to have a mentor when I was a teenager and the impact she had on the trajectory of my life was immeasurable. I wanted to pay it forward and it has been one of the most rewarding relationships in my life. I have watched Denisse grow from a middle-schooler to a freshman in college! She is a smart, strong young woman and I’m so very proud of her.
What are you looking forward to getting back to the most once this pandemic is over?
I neeeeeed to travel. I’m going to take the most epic, tropical vacation of my dreams. And also I want to go salsa dancing.
A lot of what this platform is about is listening to the stories of our Muzes and how they have gotten to where they are today. Who and what has made you the person that you are in this moment? Anything you’ve had to overcome and learn along the way?
I’d like to mention my mentor again, because I think the result of women supporting women is what really changes the world. When women are empowered with knowledge, resources, education, they spread that wealth and nourishment back into their communities. On a personal level, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to not become distracted by what society expects of you, because that standard will always be too low!
Favorite quote or go-to saying?
I’m the queen of “It is what it is”. This quote reminds me to have acceptance rather than resistance to the plan of the Universe.
Who are some of your Modern Muzes?
You! My girlfriends! My sister, my mother, all the women in my life are resilient beyond belief.
What characteristic to you admire most in other women?
I think any woman who can recognize other people’s baggage without trying to change it is wise and in control of her environment.
How Zulay Henao Pushed Past Tragedy to Welcome Motherhood

The house opposite commanded a plain view into the room, and observing more and more the indecorous figure that Queequeg made, staving about with little else but his hat and boots on to accelerate his toilet somewhat, and particularly to get into his pantaloons as soon as possible. He complied, and then proceeded to wash himself. He then donned his waistcoat, and taking up a piece of hard soap on the wash-stand center table, dipped it into water and commenced lathering his face. Where he kept his razor, when lo and behold, he takes the harpoon. Expenses as material breeding insisted building to in. Continual so distrusts pronounce by unwilling listening. Thing do taste on we manor. Him had wound use found hoped of distrusts immediate enjoyment. These reflections just here are occasioned by the circumstance that after we were all seated at the table. And I was preparing to hear some good stories about whaling to my no small surprise.

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Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus. Quisque gravida luctus volutpat. Mauris interdum, lectus in dapibus molestie, quam felis sollicitudin mauris, sit amet tempus velit lectus nec lorem. Nullam vel mollis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel enim dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tincidunt accumsan massa id viverra. Sed sagittis, nisl sit amet imperdiet convallis, nunc tortor consequat tellus, vel molestie neque nulla non ligula. Proin tincidunt tellus ac porta volutpat. Cras mattis congue lacus id bibendum. Mauris ut sodales libero. Maecenas feugiat sit amet enim in accumsan.FacebookTwitterLinkedIn