Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can also be a journey filled with questions and anxieties.

While some women have high milk supplies, others struggle. While many say breastfeeding is best, we’re on the team that “fed is best,” and most experts agree. Let’s debunk some myths and emphasize that a fed baby is always the best outcome.
Myth #1 Breastfeeding is Easy for Everyone
Breastfeeding takes practice! Newborn babies are learning to latch and suck, and mothers are learning their body’s cues. With the help of a lactation consultant, mothers can learn ways to feed without frustration. These professionals provide essential information to keep mothers healthy both physically and mentally.
Be patient and remember that a healthy and content baby, regardless of feeding method, is the ultimate goal.
Myth #2: Increasing Milk Supply is Simple
Supply concerns are among the top reasons women become frustrated on their feeding journey. Thankfully, various steps can help increase the milk supply. According to La Leche League, frequent feeding, skin-to-skin contact, and proper latch are key to establishing a good supply.
Formula supplementation can also be a temporary or long-term solution to ensure your baby receives the nutrients they need to thrive. There’s no shame in formula—it’s a safe and healthy alternative.
Myth #3: Breastfeeding in Public is Inappropriate
Breastfeeding is a natural act of nourishment. Many women choose to breastfeed covered up, while others feel comfortable breastfeeding in public. The law protects a mother’s right to breastfeed anywhere she has the right to be.
Let’s break the stigma surrounding formula feeding and public breastfeeding. Every mother’s journey is unique, and the most important aspect is feeding your baby a way that feels comfortable and successful for you both. Embrace support from lactation consultants, reach out to breastfeeding groups, and remember, a happy, well-nourished baby is what matters most.