Fearless, determined,and unstoppable are just a few words to describe stuntwoman, actress, philanthropist, and athlete Carrie Bernans. Upon reading her story below, you will quickly learn that resilience and curiosity are also a part of what makes her magic. Carrie has not only chosen to travel and learn about global culture, but has learned to speak 6 languages along her journey. Carrie is most known for her role in Marvel’s Black Panther, Avengers: End Game and calls herself “Black Girl James Bond”. We can’t wait to support and watch all that Carrie is creating!
Read more about Carrie Bernans in our Modern Muze feature below.
Where are you and your family from?
I was born in Hopewell, Virginia right outside of Richmond, Virginia. I moved to Panama as a kid and moved back to the US when I was around 5/6 years old. I moved around a lot when I was younger and started a new school & state every 6 to 8 months until I was about 15. I lived all over the East Coast, South, and Midwest, and then moved to Tennessee during my last few years in High School. I currently reside in Los Angeles, California. I have 10 aunts and uncles on my mom side and many on my dad side too. Everyone is located all over the US & UK.
What do you love about being a woman?
Let’s be real: Anything men can do, women can do better. 😜 Where would the world be without us? We are a life source, we can literally carry a human for 9 months & birth them into the earth if we choose to do so. We are the element that keeps homes together, a powerful and creative force, and we have nurturing and caring capabilities that allow us express to people around us and to pour it into the work that we put in. And, our intuition has that power to make us feel and show compassion towards others.
How do you embrace your vulnerabilities?
I think embracing my vulnerabilities first required me to recognize that being vulnerable is not seen as a weakness but it is a strength. The next thing I had to do was gain awareness and really understand myself and accept myself for who I am and the experiences I’ve been through. And then, I had to forgive myself and forgive anyone that may have crossed a boundary, hurt me in anyway, offended me, made me feel less then. Then, I had to become honest with myself and allow myself the ability to be vulnerable in situations and to experience the feeling of breaking through.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Dear younger Carrie, I know life may seem crazy right now and totally unpredictable….but I want to tell you something…you made it past 21 and girl should you be proud. You survived all the craziest life has brought you from moving city to city as a young child from being the new girl in school like 20x from not having any new clothes and making Goodwill your fav shopping mall..well guess what? People love Goodwill now and it’s totally a thing…who would have known your “whole(y)” pants would be considered so cool….well guess what, you’ve achieved amazing things…you didn’t let anything stop you…
you listened to your mom and stayed on top of your homework and made the best out of school..you ran track in college and then later quit from an injury and studied abroad…you crazy girl did crazy fearless things like backpacked across countries you’ve never been to before…you tried exotic foods you didn’t know where they came from..even if a teacher tricked you to eating it…you are fearless…you were in a serious relationship with who you thought was the man of your dreams and broke your heart..but it’s life…don’t be afraid of love…so many great things happened after that…even after 18. So whatever you do, don’t stop. Obstacles are going to come in the way, but they are only going to make you stronger. I send my biggest hugs to you and prayer that you don’t give up or give in. NOW, go kick ass.