Not only is Emmanuelle Chriqui an incredibly talented actress, bringing warmth and life to her on-screen roles, such as Sloan in Entourage and currently playing Lana Lang in the CW’s Superman & Lois, but upon meeting her, you immediately feel and know that she has a heart of gold. Emmanuelle is a Modern Muze as she uses her platform and voice to share what she is deeply passionate about. Including, and not limited to, spending her time fighting for the environment, Black Lives Matter, and standing firmly for equal rights. Enjoy getting to know Emmannuelle as much as we have with our MODERN MUZE interview below. 



Where are you and your family from?


My family is Jewish French Moroccan. They emigrated to Canada in the late 60’s and I was born in Montreal and raised in Toronto.


What do you love about being a women?


There are many things I love about about being a woman, but one of the things I appreciate most is how complex we are. When we are able to step into our power we can be and do all the things men are capable of but with the added bonus of having the unique gifts of the divine feminine. 


How do you embrace your vulnerabilities?


I embrace my vulnerabilities by aiming to live and speak my truth each day. Knowing my truth is ever changing and giving myself permission to flow and tap into what is authentic for me.


What is your most powerful and authentic quality?


My most powerful and authentic quality is my joyful and mostly positive disposition. I have the ability to go deep with people, to be empathetic and to also communicate my needs and desires.


What do you feel is your purpose in your work?


My purpose in my work is to bring light in whatever way I can. Hopefully I can bring joy and depth to whatever they are watching on screen, and when I raise my voice for causes I believe in I hope to shed light and inspire action.

What qualities do you admire most in other women?

The qualities I admire most in other women is when they can support other woman. When they are loving and generous of spirit amazing things can happen and it is so powerful and inspiring.


What advice would you give your younger self?
The advice I would give my younger self is STOP WORRYING!!! The universe TRULY has your back. Trust more, fear less… and it is ALWAYS ok to speak your truth. Don’t shy from it or be afraid of it 🙏🏽❤️

Heather Hemmens X Modern Muze

Our next Muze is one of our very own, her Costa Rican roots are to thank for her exotic beauty and natural magnetism. 

From Pura Vida to pure talent, perseverance and unwavering faith in self, it is our honor to bring you a deeper look into her world, her thoughts and her life. 

Heather Hemmens is an actor, director, sister, friend and the ultimate MODERN MUZE! 

We are all coming out of a very traumatic year, how have you coped and dealt with all the change? 
The most important thing for me was keeping my spirits up. I spent as much time as I could at the beach and in nature, in the sunshine. I picked up a few new hobbies and created schedules for myself so that I could feel productive. If I watched TV it was only stand-up comedy. No heavy shows or news cycles, just laughs! We have to protect our psyche during times like this, so that was my main focus.

What did you learn about yourself during this time of uncertainty? 
I learned that I’m not immune to loneliness! I usually have no problem with FOMO and can be a homebody, but my need for my village, my sisterhood, my family and loved ones really grew the past year. It’s ok to be vulnerable and need someone to lean on, and I treasure my close relationships even more now.  

How did you adjust personally and professionally during this time?
I was very fortunate to go back to work filming very early in the pandemic. This gave me so much more motivation to keep it together during the tough times because I had a light at the end of the tunnel. I am immensely grateful to be an entertainer and provide an escape for others while also saving myself through my art. 
You recently directed an episode of the show you also star in, Roswell New Mexico, congratulations, tell us more about your journey behind the camera! 
I was thrilled to finally be behind the camera on Roswell, and I’m happy to say I’ll be directing another episode this season! I first started directing short films about 11 years ago, and I spent a long time shadowing other directors on set. I completed the DGA Episodic Director’s program and was finally eligible to do my first episode of television. It is a proud, hard fought dream come true for me.  


Now that you made the crossover into directing what kind of stories do you yearn to tell? 


I’ve just signed on to direct my first feature film, I can’t say too much about it yet, but it is a diverse, inspiring, adventure story that I can’t wait to reveal!


We learned that you’ve made a big difference in a young woman’s life via a youth empowerment organization called Big Brothers and Big Sisters LA. Tell us about how you are involved and that that is important to you.


I’ve been a Big Sister to my mentee, Denisse, for 6 years! I was so fortunate to have a mentor when I was a teenager and the impact she had on the trajectory of my life was immeasurable. I wanted to pay it forward and it has been one of the most rewarding relationships in my life. I have watched Denisse grow from a middle-schooler to a freshman in college! She is a smart, strong young woman and I’m so very proud of her. 


What are you looking forward to getting back to the most once this pandemic is over? 


I neeeeeed to travel. I’m going to take the most epic, tropical vacation of my dreams. And also I want to go salsa dancing. 

A lot of what this platform is about is listening to the stories of our Muzes and how they have gotten to where they are today. Who and what has made you the person that you are in this moment? Anything you’ve had to overcome and learn along the way?

I’d like to mention my mentor again, because I think the result of women supporting women is what really changes the world. When women are empowered with knowledge, resources, education, they spread that wealth and nourishment back into their communities. On a personal level, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to not become distracted by what society expects of you, because that standard will always be too low!

Favorite quote or go-to saying?


I’m the queen of “It is what it is”. This quote reminds me to have acceptance rather than resistance to the plan of the Universe. 

Who are some of your Modern Muzes?
You! My girlfriends! My sister, my mother, all the women in my life are resilient beyond belief. 


What characteristic to you admire most in other women? 


I think any woman who can recognize other people’s baggage without trying to change it is wise and in control of her environment. 


Discipline Will Take You to Places Where Motivation Can’t. 

THAT is where the “ganas” (aka: desire) is, as Edward James Olmos so put it in “Stand And Deliver” when he portrayed East Los Angeles mathematics teacher, the late Jaime Escalante. An Educator who took a group of raucous students and immersed them in higher mathematics and through unorthodox methods got individuals looked upon by society and the administration at Garfield HS as underachievers to pass the AP Calculus exam.

We all have different goals that we might want to accomplish in our lives. Accomplishing these goals can play a very important role in contributing to our personal happiness and feelings of success and even self-validation and purpose.

We can set either big or small goals for ourselves and they can relate to anything and everything, from our weight to our finances, our relationships with others, our plans for the future and our personal daily habits.

Straight up, toward the end of every year, millions of people get inspired to set goals for themselves to work toward achieving in the next 365 days to come… Be it in the new calendar year or your chronological one as you blow out the candles on your birthday “tres leches.”

Each of us has at least one area in our lives that we surely hope to see some sort of change or improvement in. And it’s not likely that we are going to feel satisfied in our lives if we feel that we have plateaued. We might have goals to start our own business someday, to be promoted to upper management at our current place of employment, to get married, have a baby, save for retirement, have our own home, become more self-sufficient, gain more friends, eat healthier, get a daily fitness routine in place, apply to our dream school, perhaps travel more or just explore new local places, to mastermind something that can improve the lives of many, like starting a non-profit or hosting a podcast that discusses subjects that have been considered taboo by society for far too long and finally be a voice for the voiceless.

Setting goals is the easy part. And some individuals seem to have a much easier time going about achieving their goals than many others do. I used to think that motivation was the key factor when it came to accomplishing goals and achieving success in a number of different areas in life. And we could easily be motivated by a desire to look better, feel better, or to enjoy a higher standard of living in life than we currently do…

However, motivation doesn’t last forever, and it’s not motivation that is going to get you up when you don’t feel like getting up to work toward achieving that prized goal. If you are going to rely on motivation to inspire you to work hard at something daily until you achieve it, then you might find that quite frequently motivation has you falling short. No number of Dr Wayne Dyer audiobooks, Alexander Hicks videos and Tony Robbins seminars are going to reprogram you to achieve that 180 that you desire in life. And don’t get me started on self-improvement programs.

When we imagine some end goal we have in mind for our lives, we might not always be able to rely on that motivation to stimulate our effort on a continual basis for an extended period of time; that’s where self-discipline comes in. Self-discipline is what is going to help us to make the decision to resist daily temptation that might prevent us from moving toward achieving our goal

It takes strength to exercise self-control and so it’s not the easy choice to make.

We have become so accustomed these days to instant gratification that it has no doubt contributed greatly to the erosion of self-discipline for many. For those who appear to be more seasoned in exercising self-control, they have frequently suggested that the only way for a person to improve their self-control and self-discipline is to do it on purpose, be intentional about it, and be dedicated to doing it repeatedly. Know and accept that it isn’t going to be easy, but it might get easier for you to continually make that right decision over time, the more often that you choose to do it. As my friend Gina and her husband say, “Do consistent, mostly ordinary behavior over time until it becomes a habit and combine that with other good habits.” It’s a domino effect. Keep at it and you will see the results. It will become a part of you.

When it comes to the task of trying to strengthen and improve our own self-control, a variety of suggestions have been made as to how to go about climbing that mountain. First, we should know that our self-discipline can be improved upon, we need to clearly think about what we want to control or stay away from (prioritize), make a plan to stick to, get more sleep, try to remove temptations from our lives, reward ourselves for small accomplishments, and more. It’s up to the individual to find out what is going to work best for them and to then put that into action.  In a world full of motivational tips, resources and how-to’s at our fingertips, it seems clear that motivation alone is not enough to bring success and achieve goals.

Choose Discipline Over Motivation.

Motivation is a feeling, but discipline is an action. Motivation is the starting point. It stirs up emotions, ideas, inspiration and excitement, which are great and important things!… but some people stop there. We disqualify ourselves when we think “I just need to get motivated…” Amigas, it requires more.

In order to succeed in any area, we should progress from motivated feelings to disciplined actions. If I could sum up self-discipline in my own words, here it is: Self-discipline is a series of consistent habits or routines, diligently applied and continued long after the initial motivated feelings have simmered down.

So Why Choose Discipline Over Motivation?

  • Motivation produces emotion, but discipline produces results.
  • Motivation is temporary, but discipline perseveres.
  • Motivation fades after time, but discipline grows after time.
  • Motivation is an event, but discipline is a lifestyle.
  • Motivation starts the project, but discipline finishes it.
  • Motivation sets the goal, but discipline works to accomplishment.

Don’t get me wrong, I receive motivation during the week through various avenues (podcasts, books, teachings, mentors and quotes on social media), and my mind races with exciting ideas! I’m constantly getting motivated. But then it’s gone. The excitement fizzles when “life” gets in the way. It is only by learning the art of transitioning the motivated feelings into regular, disciplined actions through weekly routines that results can truly be achieved.

‘Busy-ness’ and ‘lack-of-time’ were (and are) my excuses. Hey, I am a work in progress working on progression too! I became increasingly frustrated that my dreams and projects didn’t happen on their own (funny that!). Years are passing us by. As my aunt, the most knowledgeable “brujita” says: Los años no pasan de balde” (Translation: The years do not pass unnoticed…) She has a very blunt and sometimes vulgar way of expressing herself when dispensing pearls of wisdom and always finishes by saying, “haber si haci se les queda en la cabeza y se les quita lo pendeja…” She feels that if she sugarcoats things, it goes in through one ear and out the other.  We need to stop making excuses. We are not victims. We cannot play that hand forever. Look at the daughters of “campesinos” , you’ve seen the pictures, standing proudly in the fields next to their farmworker parents in their caps and gowns with a full ride to college. That accomplishment was motivation fueled by desire and discipline. Not prayer. Not mantras. Not lighting “veladoras” hard- working parents who have sacrificed it all that resulted in their changing the narrative. It isn’t predestined. We write our destinies every single day. It’s a choice.

We need to start taking more responsibility for our own dreams. I realize now that this whole time, I needed more than just motivation. Let’s choose discipline over motivation. Baby steps.

Let’s be encouraged. Remaining disciplined through daily routines and habits might seem mundane, but each day you are progressing one step further and further. You’ll surprise yourself, because once you apply discipline to one area, it organically spreads and transfers to other areas of your life.

What areas do you need to shift from motivation to discipline?